How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction

When you need to have a wisdom tooth extraction near Marietta, GA, it is best to be prepared before entering the dentist office. Tooth extractions are very routine, but there are some simple tips to follow so you will have an easy procedure and recovery.

Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon.

The best way to know what to expect before, during, and after your tooth extraction is to talk to your dentist or oral surgeon. He can recommend what sort of anesthesia would be best—local or general—based on the severity of the tooth extraction. He can tell you what the surgery will be like, and how he expects it to happen. If you have any anxiety or fears about your tooth extraction, be open with your dentist. He cannot help calm your fears if he and his staff do not know about them.

Finalize transportation.

Whether you are having local anesthesia that numbs the immediate area or general anesthesia that puts you to sleep or makes you unaware, you should probably have someone else transport you to and from the dental office. Someone will have to transport you, especially if you opt for general anesthesia, for your own safety. With the after effects of anesthesia and the extraction procedure, you are likely to feel a little strange, incoherent, and tired, at times. It is dangerous to drive yourself after the procedure, so be sure to have your transportation finalized by the night before.

Prepare your at-home recovery space.

Any sort of surgical procedure can leave you feeling exhausted and in pain. Before your appointment, make sure to set up your recovery space. This would be somewhere comfortable, such as the couch or bed, with plenty of pillows surrounding you. Be sure to have various outlets for entertainment. These could be your favorite television shows, magazines, or crossword puzzles. Find something to distract you from any discomfort you may feel, but also be prepared to sleep for a few hours, especially if you opted for general anesthesia.


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The Tooth Extraction Process

If your tooth has suffered damage or infection, your dentist will always attempt to treat and preserve your original tooth, if at all possible. However,

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